Sunday, May 6, 2012

Asher and Julie

Asher has a companion all weekend. Much milder and larger she mellows him out.

They both walked nicely on leash together.

Asher has to down for everything still til it is second nature.

We worked on heeling outdoors too.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Poor Asher, mommy was sick for two weeks in bed and then his sister Mirabelle had a life threatening ER visit last week Wednesday - Thursday.

So poor Asher's training starts today again.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday - Asher's Novice Competition Training Log

Training Date: Sunday, February 12, 2012
Training Location: Home - Living Room

On Leash Heeling: Did not work on this

Off Leash Healing: Worked on heeling in living room, some slippers and whatnot present so he would look down briefly to step over them, but maintained good eye contact. Did really good going up stairs while heeling. Did some driving/about face at top of steps then came back down.

Figure 8's: Did not work on this

Stand for Exam: Did well with this, did a stand without a treat lure.

Recall: Still not doing front as close as I would like, did a few where I threw the treat through my legs. He did chase it. He did an excellent perfect recall and front with no treats yesterday outside off leash with another dog present as a distraction, so I know he can do it.

Sit Stay: Did 30s sit/stay with a recall. 

Down Stay: Did 1m down/stay with a recall at the end.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Other days

Daily worked on threshold work. He is required to sit and wait on my command before crossing a door threshold. If he doesn't do it I correct him and make him sit and wait again

If he is automatically sitting now before I say it is that ok?


Worked on down, sit and stay indoors with treats and corrections.


Worked with Asher off leash in a park setting for come. He didn't always obey and after that he remained on leash the entire time.

I had to walk over and put him back on leash. He seemed to be tempted by dead things like a dead fox carcass we found, so not sure if it's a fair test.

Sit off leash worked well.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012